Thursday, December 13, 2012

Coming to a close

In less than 24 hours I will be leaving the place I have called home here in Spain for the last 3 1/2 months. It has been such an incredible time and I am constantly reminded of the incredible experiences I have had while being here.

I am not entirely sure how I will feel tomorrow while leaving, I am sure it will be a very reflective mood. Also, a little sad. I know this because my house mom has even cried 3 times already just about the thought of me leaving.....and tomorrow is the real deal so I will be fully prepared for those waterworks. Every time she thinks of it she just repeats, "No puedo imaginar", which means, " I can't even imagine" haha. It's incredible! She is so full of love and joy and I could not have had a better place to call home for the past 3 1/2 months.

With these somewhat sad thoughts, there is light at the end of the tunnel, as I step out of this adventure and into my last travels while here in Europe to reunite with a friend and also meet new ones. It should be a great quick trip to end this amazing adventure on!

I can honestly say I will not have time to update here until I arrive back in the states. It shocks me but at the same time I can't help but be excited for the adventures that await me once I arrive back in the US. A few roadtrips right off the bat and a trip out to the east coast. It should be an incredible winter break and I am fully ready to embrace every piece of it.

I hope all is going well from wherever you may be reading this! Talk to you guys within a week or so from the other half of the world, or 1/3 I guess?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The fog

Well it's been a few weeks since my last travels and this past weekend Dublin was pretty amazing.

The anticipation and excitement before Dublin was incredible. I was excited for the people I was going to be traveling with and most of all I was excited to experience a new country! That has been one of the most amazing experiences of being abroad is just the ability to see and experience the culture of many countries in a short period time.

So anyways, first night we get to Dublin we are just overwhelmed by the amount of options for live Irish music and food. We quickly realized the difference in between live music and live Irish trad music. We picked out our first pub not knowing what to expect and we couldn't find a seat...on the first floor. Our waitress quickly told us that there was 5 floors of live music and food was available on every floor and so we found a perfect spot right next to the band on the second was incredible.

This first experience pretty much sums up the rest of our experience as we were just pub hopping finding new live music everywhere we went. It was just amazing.

Our most anticipated part of our trip was easily the Cliffs of Moher. Many of our friends had been there and everyone said we had to go and see them because it was one of the most beautiful places in the world.

To sum up my disappointment, it was the foggy day I had ever seen in my life, thus we did not see any cliffs.

So the next day was better and we toured around Dublin by bike, on foot, and on bus and it was amazing, with a fresh Guinness or two as well. It was a very long day but totally worth every penny.

The trip back home to Toledo was filled with a stop at burger king and a flight that was not delayed but half an hour early! We loved every second of this and I was fortunate enough to meet some Americans that were teaching English in Madrid. I was very thankful for the life chats I had with them and just the opportunity and experience they were having while teaching in Madrid.

If there is one thing that has been quite an experience while traveling, is just meeting people. It's amazing how much you have in common with other travelers and really makes you just grateful for friendships. This weekend was filled with meeting new people just randomly. The Irish are extremely friendly and we made many friends this weekend.

I hope all is going well wherever you are reading this from, sad and happy to think that in less than two weeks, this whole dream will be over! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Just the past couple of days

So this past weekend i had a pretty good trip to Segovia, Spain. It's located just to the northwest of Madrid and it was a very beautiful city. It seemed very different from Toledo but at the same time you still knew you were in Spain.

With just this short day trip to Segovia, the weekend brought a lot of time to reflect on the trip so far and just on life in general. The question always comes up, where do you want to be in 5 years. I'm a huge dreamer so people could ask me ten different times and I'd give them a different answer each time. I think while I was reading a fellow bloggers post I got my answer. One of my best friends from high school has a girlfriend who is teaching in Georgia. Not the state, the country. She was traveling and met a fellow American and asked him what he was doing and where he was going. The guy said he didn't know but he had plans to be in India by sometime next month. She then asked what he was going to do when he got there and he said something along the lines of, "I'm not sure yet, I'll find out once I get there." Cha ching!

Not to steal her story or anything but I just found it very comforting and it was as if God was just like, here's your answer man! The reality is, I don't have an answer of where exactly I want to be in 5 years but as I read in that blog, I guess I'll find out once I get there. Obviously I would like to have some sort of income that I could support myself and possibly a wife but we'll just find out when we get there!

That is one thing that I have learned here is just taking advantage of every day and just learning how to live for this day. With so many experiences that I could possibly have here every day, I try not to waste time worrying about what's going on tomorrow or the next. Not to say I don't get excited for upcoming trips, but you know what I mean.

I feel lately, there has just been a little storm of this going on because picking out classes to set up the last two semesters of my college and then thinking oh man, what about after that.....well I guess I'll just worry about it when I get there. As for now, with only 30 days or so left here, my time will be better served really trying to dive in even more into this culture and the people here and just live life one day at a time!

Hopefully that's not too cliche but just some of thoughts from this weekend. They pretty much all happened on a walk that I took just through a park in my house. It was probably one of the most relaxing times I've had since I've been here because it was an incredibly beautiful day and just to have silence and reflect was incredible.

So, I am very excited for these next 30 days to come. The one thing I am experiencing for the first time in my life is the LACK of anticipation for Christmas here in Spain. I think they got it somewhat right when they decided not to spend half their income on Christmas unlike some of us in the US. Not to judge but it was very humbling when I was asking my house mom about Christmas and asked if she was going to get the kids anything and she said no because of the crisis. Also, that it was not a big deal, kids usually got one or two things for Christmas and it was just a celebration with the family and that's about it. Very humbling.

Regardless, it's a great learning experience for me, but definitely an aspect I miss of my own culture!

Time for class but I'll post on here sooner rather than later!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

It was beautiful and expensive...

Alright, so I'm not exactly sure where to begin this one. This past weekend was one of the most beautiful places/experiences I have had and been to in my life. I cannot physically describe it and there was not a photo that could capture the true beauty of Geneva, Switzerland and Chamonix, France.

The only way I can try and explain it is just by doing a quick little run through and summary of the trip.

So here it is,

 As the alarm went off at 4:03 am, I rolled right out of bed and went to eat breakfast. Of course my house mom was right there to greet me and prepare breakfast for me.....and I'm not entirely sure why because the night before I had told her that I was leaving very early, had said my goodbyes for the weekend, and had even told her not to worry about me in the morning because I did not want her have to get out of bed at 4 am just to heat a glass of milk for me....well either my Spanish wasn't correct or she just has an incredible heart and wanted to get up and do it anyway regardless of what I said because she told me she "just happened to be up".

So after adventuring the airport and getting on the flight we eventually landed in Switzerland. It was amazing and we ventured around downtown Geneva and got the cheapest meal we could find which was 10 euro. Not bad for Switzerland! Terrible for the fact I ate every meal in the Canaries for 2 euro or less....

The most amazing part of the trip was Saturday, taking the bus into Chamonix, France....

It was hands down the most beautiful town that I have ever been to in my life. It was absolutely amazing. We went hiking for around 4 to 5 hours, we weren't really sure cause we weren't too concerned with the time! We stopped and had a little picnic of granola bars and croissants and nutella from our hotel and some fresh water straight from the stream on the mountain!

That's me having a little drink from the stream after lunch!

We then marched right down to have some crepes at a French cafe because when in France, crepes has to be on the menu.

I ordered some type of crepe I wasn't sure of because it was in French and French was a little harder to understand than Spanish. Turns out it was a crepe with honey, I was very satisfied.

After our brief cafe break, we then took a gondola ride up to the top to go attempt to climb some cliffs and hang out in the first snow we had all seen of the year!

Here is a picture of the trip up!

And finally, this one is for Jill's mom Karen! This was during my hike and I thought it was fairly outdoorsy haha, I hope you enjoy it Karen!

None the less it was the most amazing trip I have taken yet.

We did stumble upon the Red Light District of Switzerland which is a fascinating story but we will save that one for in person!

I hope you are all enjoying Fall back in the US because I have decided there is not exactly Fall here in Spain, one day the temperature just becomes not as warm and the leaves just all fall off the trees and it's Winter.....

Very interesting, none the less, hope all is well at home!


Saturday, November 3, 2012

A little break in the storm...

So I am on a quick little weekend break from traveling the past two weeks and it is almost hard to adjust to the silence and slow pace of just hanging out and getting some work done for school.

It has been pretty amazing having the opportunity to see lots of Spain for the past 8 weeks and now will be my first venture outside of this country. I am very excited to see the Alps in Switzerland and in France as we will be knocking out two countries in one weekend!

I just booked another trip to Portugal as well this past week with one of my friends that I was fortunate enough to meet while I was working at a Young Life camp two summers ago! Hopefully everything runs right on time with that trip or else I may be stuck in Spain for worries though.

As I reflect on my time here so far, I just can't help but be thankful for the technology I have to be able to communicate with people back at home and just the ability to obtain any news information literally within 30 seconds. This is something I definitely took for granted before my trip and this trip has really opened my eyes to how much I use this incredible technology like the internet or wireless internet without even thinking about it.

The craziest thing by far though, is how fast the time has gone by here. It almost feels like life is on fast forward when you are traveling and it just amazes me. In between running around cities to try and see everything it has to offer or even the 6 hour plane delay that I had this past weekend. The time goes by much faster. This is always good and bad considering I miss so many people back home but I also want to experience as much as I possibly can while I am here!

None the less, for one we're still alive here and enjoying every second of it! I am learning so much more about the Spanish culture just through experiences in my home, my classes, and from traveling.

Here is one thing that has been extremely hard so far though.

At the beginning of my time here, my house mom would pretty much do everything for me. She would just tell me that I need to study or need to rest or whatever it was. At first I thought, oh she's just being nice and wanting to welcome me into her home and it will wear off....

Well here we are 8 weeks later and it's still the same. It is very hard for me to communicate to her that I live on my own in the US and that I am capable of turning on a microwave or putting a piece of toast in the toaster....

This is hilarious at times but other times I just want to be like, seriously, I can do this. Just relax!

It seems kind of an oxymoron because some people would say how the heck could you be complaining about being served all the time.
I think the truth is though, my American upbringing and the constant preaching of being independent and being able to do everything by yourself. The "rugged individualism" if you will is facing this culture that says when you're a student the only job you have is to study and make sure you do well in school. You do not worry about ANYTHING else.

It is quite incredible how the clash of cultures just within myself has played out. None the less it has been extremely interesting to learn hands on about this part of the culture and I can't complain to much that someone is making meals for me!

For now, it's about lunch time then back to "studying". This week will be filled with the anticipation of getting back to traveling! I hope everyone may enjoy, I'm praying for all of you back home!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 20 something.....

So this post defines how the study abroad trip has been going so far. It has just blown by and I can't even remember how many days it has been for these pictures so I apologize in advance but to make up for it. I will try and put some photos here that just summarizes my trip to the Canaries that I had this past 5 days.

So it all started off with this little view from our apartment.....well actually a night in the airport, then a 3 hour flight to get this view...

The ocean was looking pretty tempting so we took a walk down to the beach and found some sand dunes which were incredible...

We spent a few days hanging around on the beach until we received a generous offer to get a little scuba diving action in....

(Sorry I can't get the picture right side up!)

And then the final walk on the beach with the moon guiding us home...

 Needless to say it was an incredible trip!

As we flew into the island, it just looked like we were flying into a fairytale, with slight clouds over a little piece of land in the middle of the ocean. It was absolutely incredible. We were fortunate enough to have the perfect mix of relaxation and adventure during our fall break. It made it even better when other students came back complaining about how they had walked and traveled through rain the entire four days and when I looked back on how good sunny and 80's felt for a few days, I felt pretty lucky.

Jill was quick to humble me when I came home and skyped her and told her that everything was just great right now and she asked me how could it not be after a few days in the Canaries. She put me right back on track and made me realize how blessed I actually am to have these experiences. Just incredible.

Life on the island, like most islands, was very relaxed and was just a reminder not to get too caught up in life with the little things. Especially in a time of minor stress with random thoughts of always trying to figure out the rest of my life in school, internships, and careers. This was definitely a great time to just get away and out of touch for a few days. Come to find out there was a hurricane in New York? Who would have thought.

Anyways, I remain very thankful and blessed that I am fortunate to have all these opportunities. I hope and pray for rest and peace in your lives as well.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 17

So I figured as I'm working at my internship I could take a little "courtesy hour" and update the blog from yesterday and today's photos.

Today I was just amazed this morning at the beauty of Toledo. I witnessed quite a bit on the walk up to work, like a guy who got in a car accident and they were literally cutting apart the car to get him out but somehow he seemed fine inside?

In the States there was no way I would have been able to literally touch the car that had been in the accident but in Spain the rules were a little different. A cool experience none the less but out of courtesy I didn't want to be the crazy American who takes a snapshot of someone getting cut out of a car....

So about 5 minutes later, I came to this little park right next to my work that I usually just take some time to walk through and look out over the cliff back at my house, mainly cause my work starts at nine but no one actually gets there to open the building until 9:15, definitely loving Spanish time.

Now it's very hard to see my house but there is a tall, white, squared building just a little bit right of center. My house is NEXT to that one!

I then turned around and was reminded just how much this city was a medieval city and had doors of protection. I am surprised that I have walked through this door so many times and even though I have thought about what it would have been like back in the day, I am now immune to the fact of just how old some of these things are. So here is an attempt to reflect on it!

This is one of the doors to the city and it is so small one car barely fits through it at a time. In order to walk through, you have to pray no car is coming in hot from the other side and bolt through as quick as you can!

It is just a little fun experience I have had while being in Toledo. A few close calls for my life but hey we're still here!

I hope you can enjoy today! Have a good one! Pase un buen dia!

Day 16

So as I usual I found myself running out of time to find something to take a photo of for my 16th day in a row of a photo. It didn't dawn on me until I was gathering my clean laundry that my house mom had cleaned early that day to realize what I wanted to talk about.

This just looks like a folded up piece of cloth and in reality that may be exactly what it is!

However, this amazing folded up piece of cloth is just that, amazing.

Before I left for this adventure to Spain, my girlfriends Mother gave me a couple of gifts and this one has by far been the most useful. This is a towel specifically made for back packing! It was something that I really didn't even think about before I left for Spain but it is has been a life changer.

Every trip I have taken, every hostel that I have stayed in, this has come in such great use. It usually costs money to rent towels at a hostel but thanks to this I have saved a few coins for some food wherever I have been traveling.

I am amazed at how much this little gift has helped impact my trip in such a significant way. I am truly thankful for this gift, as well as the thought of Jill's mother!

It is true that it is the little things in life, like this little towel, that make the biggest difference.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 13, 14, and 15


So I have just gotten back from a weekend trip to Barcelona and I am exhausted. There were so many pictures taken and so many experiences I could not even put them all into one blog and I apologize.

If you would like to see the recap of the trip and all the I experienced, you will have to be a friend of mine on facebook!

We pretty much covered everything there was in Barcelona, from swimming in the Mediterranean to hiking to the top of Parc Guell.

It was amazing and I enjoyed every second of it. Each place I visit is my new favorite place and favorite experience on this trip!

Hopefully you enjoy the photos on facebook!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 12

So in a few hours I will be heading out on my first trip back traveling after 4 weekends off however today my picture is something that kind of caught my attention very quickly.

This afternoon the fundacion received a ton of mail and packages. It was crazy! So many students got some mail and I realized how special it is to receive "real" mail from someone, not just an e-mail or facebook message.

I am so thankful that my girlfriend Jill has been able to send me a few pieces of mail and it has been amazing every time I have gotten mail. Just simple little cards but they mean so much, especially when there is any amount of distance in between.

I feel this is so intentional and every loves when people are being very intentional to them.

Who could you be a little more intentional with? I guarantee it will be worth it! Send somebody some mail!

Day 11

So I was surprised when I went home last night. I walked into the house and was surrounded by an amazing smell almost like french toast and I instantly knew what it was.

My house Mom had made Torillas. It is basically french toast but they are for dessert or even with your coffee in the morning.

This dessert is so special and it is even better because my house mom saves these just for me. She hides them from the rest of the family in secret cupboards throughout the kitchen it is hilarious.

Last night, one of her friends buzzed up to our apartment and we were just about finished with dinner. My house mom pushed the button to let her in the apartment. After this my house mom hurried back to the table, told me to eat the torilla as quick as possible and she took the plate away and hid them in the kitchen so that they could be saved!

It was hilarious and I couldn't help but laugh a little bit, but I was extremely grateful to find some extra torilla's waiting out for me on the table this morning when I went to have breakfast!

Hopefully I will learn the correct way to make these amazing things so I can make them myself when I get back to the states!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 10

So today I was finally able to take the picture that I had been wanting to take for the past couple of days. It's actually two but here they are.

This the Fedeto. I have spent quite a bit of time here because this is the place of my internship. I work in the international department and I am researching the US markets of Wine, Olive Oil, and Cheese for my boss.

He has a few clients that are interested in placing their products into US markets so I am transferring the research into Spanish with my boss and he will then present the information to his clients.

This has been an incredible experience for me just to get to learn the Spanish way in the work place. It has been quite different. A little more relaxed at times and I have built a great relationship with many people in this place.

The typical day consists of a couple hours of work but then always time for coffee and socializing with locals and clients to improve my Spanish and to improve their English!

It is quite amazing and humbling to be able to not only be in the position of a student of Spanish but also as a teacher of English at the same time during intercambio sessions. These have been very powerful and have opened my eyes so much about the everyday lives of people here.

What amazes me even more about this place is that about two months before I came to Spain, I was very unsure of if I even wanted an internship while I was here. Considering that this place has been probably the best experience for me, I am so thankful that I decided to follow through with it.

Unfortunately, it is time to go to this class because I do have a class just about the internships and everything but hopefully you enjoy your day!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 9

So today I was fairly busy with class as Monday is one of the busier days of the week. As I was looking for a picture I really didn't know what to do but then I remembered what Jill and I had been talking about the other day.

This is nothing more than a computer but through this mainly, and other devices such as my phone, I have been able to maintain such a close relationship with Jill, my family and other loved ones back at home.

It started a about a week ago when Jill had heard a sermon at church and they were talking about implementing the use of technology and social networks into the use of the church and just how these technologies could be put to even better use for the Church.

Well it got Jill thinking and she sent me an e-mail about the sermon but mostly just how grateful she was that we were able to have computers and internet to just stay in contact with prayer requests and just how day to day life is going.

For me, I had never really put thought into the fact that just my computer and the use of internet on it was holding together such a strong relationship and Jill really opened my eyes to that. Not only just relationships but also school work, I use this computer as one of the main sources for my learning and education which is just crazy. If I think back to when my parents were growing up, they simply had a land line telephone to keep in touch when they were long distance.

Just makes me think of how easy I have it now.

But anyways, it was amazing to have my eyes opened in that way by Jill and also just to reflect on how lucky we are to be able to use these things in our life. It is definitely crazy but what I was more amazed at was how much I took it for granted.

What else might we be taking for granted today?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 8

So today was a pretty quiet Sunday, no real adventures like last week in the Rastro, but on my quick walk around this afternoon, I came across some old Roman ruins which I thought would be a good picture.

Here they are.

From what I read in the little informational panel, these are just Roman ruins! Not sure exactly what these specific ruins were but that these ruins were connected to ovens where they potentially made most of the pottery for the Empire!

So it was nice to stand in an old oven today!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Día Siete

So today was a fairly quiet day, I slept in a little bit and I am feeling much better. I was able to get a good little workout in and then had a fantastic lunch. My house mom bought the closest thing to steak that I have eaten since being here and it was awesome!

This afternoon I went for a little walk around the town to try and see what I could find.

It started off with some pretty cool European roundabouts and one with a water fountain in the middle of it.

I loved how this walk, even though it was only for about an hour, was in a completely different direction than I had intended in the first place. So anyways, as I kept adventuring, I came across this cool little bridge.

I thought this bridge was amazing. Not only was it physically beautiful in itself but as always when you encounter a bridge, do you cross it or just stay safe on the side you know? As I'm studying in my literature class a little bit, there is a lot of symbolism as always and the use of mountains, rivers, and what do you know BRIDGES are huge elements of symbolism. Today however, I decided to be adventurous and see what the heck was on the other side.

Here is what I saw first as I crossed and looked back from where I had come from.....

It was a beautiful view of Toledo from a direction I had never seen before. It was amazing. So as I trekked on about 100 feet on the other side of the bridge I began to hear music.... I was caught off guard because I had assumed I was in the middle of nowhere but little did I now what I was close to....

Yes, that is the circus I found! Unfortunately it was not open just yet but the music was still playing and they were warming up. It would have been great to see but too bad I didn't have my wallet on this adventure!

None the less it was a pretty good adventure alone. Now off to do some homework, eat some dinner, and then maybe play some futbol with the hombres tonight!

Have a good one!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 6

So there has been a lot of learning and a lot of thinking that has gone on during my time here in Spain. I can't describe exactly everything that I have learned or even remember everything that I have been sat in thought on but what I do remember is where majority of this has happened.


Now this may not look like anything more than an apartment complex but I can guarantee you that this place has been an incredible home for me.

I believe that it starts with my house mother who allowed me into her home in the first place but it is just a wonderful home. She is incredible faithful and her heart just overflows with service towards me and her family. This has created an incredible environment for me to live and learn about the Spanish culture and customs. Just to be able to see the interactions of Spaniards with their friends and family have been experiences that I will never forget.

Just to highlight one point, I came home at about one in the morning, which is fairly early for a Spanish night, and typically my house mother is already asleep. But as I walked in, she was on the phone. A little while later I heard her hang up and she came into my room and was talking with me and she was just talking to her friends who just wanted to chat about life and a current struggle that was going on. I could not understand exactly what the problem was because my house mom did not go into much detail but it was an incredible example of just humbleness and love in my host mothers heart.

It is those kinds of actions that make this home away from home, feel even more like a home to me then I ever thought possible. It might also be in the fact that she wakes me up every morning and has breakfast prepared and on the table ready and waiting for me every day too, but I see her love for others as well.

I hope that someday I will be able to open up my home with my family and just share life with whomever I am called to share it with.

Day 5

Sorry I updated this one a little late but none the less, day 5 is complete. I realized that I wanted to do something about money but didn't know how to portray it, in a sign, or a budget for my trip, but then I just realized I may as well just take a picture of the actual thing.

It is amazing how quickly I have budgeted for some of the trips I have been taking. Sometimes there is more thought then others, for example, booking a trip to Barcelona round trip on a plane was 37 euro.

But on the other hand, a 70 euro train ride home from Ronda was the result of bad planning....That one kind of hurt the funds for the trip!

Never the less, every day is a learning experience on how to budget my money to get the best experience I possibly can out of this trip. When I take a step back and think about it, I feel people always are doing this, how can we obtain the most amount of satisfaction for the least amount of money. In short, one could say that is the study of economics, and that is why I love majoring in economics.

However, I have noticed one hard thing, it is harder here for me to give money away, whether that is buying a gift for someone, giving to a person on the street, or simply just leaving a little tip even though it is not customary here in Europe. I am not too sure why this is but I think it is because my mindset is mostly focused on me and my trips that I have planned and as I take a step back to reflect on this today. Maybe for the second half of this trip, that is one thing I can work on and focus on, just releasing the hold that money has on this trip and my life.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 4, The Challenge

Day 4 of the challenge was very slow, and to make matters not as good, I'm a little sick so I decided to show you all what brought the spirits up.

Now the comida in Spain is fairly different than the US, some things are a little more bland, but some things are literally heaven in a cup, such as this....

This dessert is called Natilla and it is very similar to vanilla pudding but it is not quite the same. My house mom showed this dessert to me the first week I was here and it was a home run right from the start. Then, the next week, she showed me how to add a little cinnamon to give it just a little extra kick and it was perfected.

I can say that I have felt slightly under the weather today with a little Spanish Cold, thankfully not the Spanish Flu, but this dessert tonight lifted my spirits up and also gave me the idea for the challenge of the day!

I hope that whomever is reading this may enjoy a little sweetness of their favorite dessert tonight and truly enjoy it! It lifted my spirits and I hope it can lift yours too!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 3

¡Tortilla Española!

So this is the third day of my photo challenge and I can honestly say that what I thought was going to be my picture for the day I ended up not being able to get the shot today because I forgot but I was then reminded right near the end of my day of the beauty of this one dish I have eaten.

I have to admit that I have a love hate relationship with this Tortilla Española. Some days, it is the thing I am craving the most, and other days I don't want to have two bites of it.

I am not sure exactly how this works because it's not like chipotle. Chipotle back in the US I could have as much as my stomach will allow me, every single day if I had the budget.

Hence, very short and sweet, I enjoy this traditional meal of Spain.....but not as much as chipotle.

The food here, in general, has been pretty good. It has been made by the hands of my house mom and let me tell you there has been a lot of fried foods, no cheese curds, but fried fish, eggs, and even hot dogs!

I cannot help but be grateful for the food I have received here, and I believe that my eyes have been opened to how good the quality and the taste of our food actually is in the United States. We are very lucky and I know this is very American, but I will be sure to enjoy a lot of "our" food as soon I am state side again!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Day Two of the Photo Challenge

Hello again,

So here is day two of the photo challenge, it's nothing much but I'll explain.

The journal and the Spanish-English dictionary both have more stories contained in them than I could ever write about just from the last 5 weeks.

I figured for this challenge of 30 straight photos in 30 days, I would try and look for things that stood out to me, not necessarily what I thought other people would like, so I apologize in advance.

Anyways, I received the journal on the left from my Mom last Christmas. She knew I had a few journals but little did she know that my girlfriend Jill had given me two journals about a day before so needless to say at the time, I was fulfilled in the journal department.

As I binged on journal entries trying to finish the current one I had and then wanting to dive into the next three that were ahead of me, I finally came across the perfect use for the this journal about a week before I arrived to Spain.

It all started with my Spanish professor in the spring of 2012, she told me that if I truly wanted to learn Spanish, I needed to one immerse myself, and two keep track of all the words, phrases, and conjugations that I did not understand completely when I heard them. Well let me tell you Susanna, there are plenty of phrases in here now and I will say they all might not be appropriate but I am definitely learning my Spanish!

Now as I had my journal planned out for what would be written in there, I realized that I needed a dictionary to help me define some of these terms that I was going to come across. As I was at Jill's house near the end of August to say goodbye to her for a couple of months, I came across a Spanish to English dictionary and I asked her if I could borrow it!

Well unfortunately I forgot to bring it along as I was all caught up in saying the last goodbye for a few months, but fortunately Jill bought me a new one online and sent it to me as a surprise gift right before I left! I was so pumped!

It is amazing how two books that separately would not have meant to much, but as the stories come together, each book is helping each other and most of all helping me record stories in a unique way of my experience living in Spain!

Above all, I am most grateful to have the chance to reflect on these people in my lives, those being my Mother and Jill, who I am so blessed to have apart of my life and I love them both very much!

So there it is Mom and Jill, thank you so much for the gifts, but thank you most of all for the reminder of your presence every time I am able to use both of these books! I love you guys and am praying for you both every day!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Service, service, and then a challenge

Since being in Spain for the past 5 or 6 weeks, the transformation of my worldview has been incredible. Just to summarize, the use of resources here such as electricity and water is incredible. We use every second of daylight we have and not an ounce of water more than we ever need.

What I would really like to talk about and reflect on is something that has really been on my mind lately.

About a week and a half ago my girlfriend Jill and I were chatting and she was telling me about some disappointment she had after another friend of ours came over and was not exactly accepting of the food Jill and her roommate had prepared, also the other friend was not very pleased with the accommodations of the apartment so it just provided for a very tough atmosphere to love.

As we were discussing the events of the night and the storm had calmed, Jill and I realized that why she was disappointed was that she had expected a reaction, a positive reaction, and what she received what not what she had perceived or expected. This then brought us to the point where we realized, true service, true love, does not expect anything in return.

It is so simple and fundamental, and as always, I feel that we always overlook those little details. Jill told me that if she had really been doing it for service in her heart, the negative feedback would have felt a little different and instead of an angry frustration it would have been a feeling of trying to continue serving this person until they were satisfied.

Jill is pretty amazing and this was just one example of a conversation I have been lucky enough to have and through this conversation, it opened my eyes to the service of my host mother here in Spain.

To quickly describe my house mother, she serves and loves her family because they don't have jobs in this economic crisis, and she does not have enough resources to do as much as she does, she then serves me every single day even when she knows I am fully capable of operating a toaster at 7 in the morning, she feels she still needs to get out of bed to push the button down for me. Incredible! Through this service and hearing her story, I have just seen this woman has truly lived. She has experienced it all, she has seen life born, she has witnessed death as she had to watch the passing of her husband from cancer, she has experienced new life in grand children, rejoiced in marriages, and struggled through family hardships, through dictatorships, through new republics and transferring of currencies.

The resume of her stories is just endless and absolutely incredible. I am so blessed to be able to have this person and this place to call home for a few weeks! I feel more than ever, God is just saying learn from this woman as much as you can, oh and do it all in another language please.

Aside from all of these blessings, there has been other challenges. Fun challenges at that. The other day I was challenged to try something new for 30 days, I figured since I am in a new country, why not capture 30 days worth of photos to tell the story or capture the moments of my time here in Spain. So here it is, for the next 30 days, I will attempt to take at least one photo a day and tell a little story about it.

In light of today, I will start with a photo of El Rastro, in Madrid. This is one of the worlds largest flea markets and this has gone on for every Sunday since the 18th century! I was so overwhelmed it was amazing. There was literally every type of product you could think, people from all over the world, and just a tremendous amount of energy in the streets! I was only able to capture a brief glimpse of the market in a few photos but I know the memories of this time will last a life time. I strongly suggest, if you're ever in Madrid on a Sunday, go to the Rastro. There are just miles and miles of vendors in the streets, I was able to walk around for 2 1/2 hours and I probably only saw about 50% of it. It is HUGE!

Needless to say this was an amazing experience and I am so happy that the prayers for adventure I had are being answered in such unique ways!

Hopefully you enjoy this little 30 day adventure.