Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 3

¡Tortilla Española!

So this is the third day of my photo challenge and I can honestly say that what I thought was going to be my picture for the day I ended up not being able to get the shot today because I forgot but I was then reminded right near the end of my day of the beauty of this one dish I have eaten.

I have to admit that I have a love hate relationship with this Tortilla Española. Some days, it is the thing I am craving the most, and other days I don't want to have two bites of it.

I am not sure exactly how this works because it's not like chipotle. Chipotle back in the US I could have as much as my stomach will allow me, every single day if I had the budget.

Hence, very short and sweet, I enjoy this traditional meal of Spain.....but not as much as chipotle.

The food here, in general, has been pretty good. It has been made by the hands of my house mom and let me tell you there has been a lot of fried foods, no cheese curds, but fried fish, eggs, and even hot dogs!

I cannot help but be grateful for the food I have received here, and I believe that my eyes have been opened to how good the quality and the taste of our food actually is in the United States. We are very lucky and I know this is very American, but I will be sure to enjoy a lot of "our" food as soon I am state side again!

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