Thursday, November 15, 2012

It was beautiful and expensive...

Alright, so I'm not exactly sure where to begin this one. This past weekend was one of the most beautiful places/experiences I have had and been to in my life. I cannot physically describe it and there was not a photo that could capture the true beauty of Geneva, Switzerland and Chamonix, France.

The only way I can try and explain it is just by doing a quick little run through and summary of the trip.

So here it is,

 As the alarm went off at 4:03 am, I rolled right out of bed and went to eat breakfast. Of course my house mom was right there to greet me and prepare breakfast for me.....and I'm not entirely sure why because the night before I had told her that I was leaving very early, had said my goodbyes for the weekend, and had even told her not to worry about me in the morning because I did not want her have to get out of bed at 4 am just to heat a glass of milk for me....well either my Spanish wasn't correct or she just has an incredible heart and wanted to get up and do it anyway regardless of what I said because she told me she "just happened to be up".

So after adventuring the airport and getting on the flight we eventually landed in Switzerland. It was amazing and we ventured around downtown Geneva and got the cheapest meal we could find which was 10 euro. Not bad for Switzerland! Terrible for the fact I ate every meal in the Canaries for 2 euro or less....

The most amazing part of the trip was Saturday, taking the bus into Chamonix, France....

It was hands down the most beautiful town that I have ever been to in my life. It was absolutely amazing. We went hiking for around 4 to 5 hours, we weren't really sure cause we weren't too concerned with the time! We stopped and had a little picnic of granola bars and croissants and nutella from our hotel and some fresh water straight from the stream on the mountain!

That's me having a little drink from the stream after lunch!

We then marched right down to have some crepes at a French cafe because when in France, crepes has to be on the menu.

I ordered some type of crepe I wasn't sure of because it was in French and French was a little harder to understand than Spanish. Turns out it was a crepe with honey, I was very satisfied.

After our brief cafe break, we then took a gondola ride up to the top to go attempt to climb some cliffs and hang out in the first snow we had all seen of the year!

Here is a picture of the trip up!

And finally, this one is for Jill's mom Karen! This was during my hike and I thought it was fairly outdoorsy haha, I hope you enjoy it Karen!

None the less it was the most amazing trip I have taken yet.

We did stumble upon the Red Light District of Switzerland which is a fascinating story but we will save that one for in person!

I hope you are all enjoying Fall back in the US because I have decided there is not exactly Fall here in Spain, one day the temperature just becomes not as warm and the leaves just all fall off the trees and it's Winter.....

Very interesting, none the less, hope all is well at home!


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