So it's been quite awhile again since I last posted on here but I figured I would use this to blog about the semester in Spain that is ahead.
As I have been stuck with packing up and moving out, I have seemed to enjoy myself. I find that when I am packing and cleaning, it is a remembrance of adventures that I've been fortunate enough to have. I wonder why we reflect on our past? Not just the whole thing, but why do we sift through our memories and seem to make some stay more alive than others. I have heard many say that the scariest points of their lives, the worst points, or the best points stick with them the most. It's interesting to find that in each new person I meet, when I ask them their favorite memory, virtually any emotion can come from it. Sorry to ramble but it's just interesting.
So my big question, what does God reflect on? Does he reflect? What would his best memory be for my life?
I hope as I'm packing up and moving out of the apartment I can see how I've changed and grown throughout the year that I've spent here. I want to just be thankful for the amazing memories I have but also, be hoping that the adventures in Spain ahead will be even better than what I'm reflecting on.
Sorry if this was vague, or doesn't make any sense but as I've found in life, some things just don't make any sense at all and we live with it.
I'm excited to blog about the travel experiences, and hopefully it isn't just an ordinary travel blog!
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