Thursday, October 13, 2011


Person 1: "What happened to everyone?"
Person 2: "What do you mean?"
1: "Everyone is always hiding behind their laptops or in their headphones!"
2: "What do you mean?"
1: "I mean no body talks to anybody anymore, it looks like the loneliest place ever out here."

It was quite a coincidence that I overheard this conversation as I had some headphones in and was walking right along in the crowd of others who were either hiding in their headphones or behind their laptops, socializing through social media rather than with peers right next to them. Now I love walking to class before a test and putting on some pump up music to get the heart pumping a little bit before a test but I have also noticed that I am not in a position to help serve others or possibly communicate with someone verbally that is.

I've decided recently I need to start being proactive, so after having this experience, I'm going to challenge myself. During the next four weeks, the Ipod is staying at home as I am walking around campus. I think it could be extremely interesting what I may come across or overhear if I'm simply "being" in the place that I'm at, rather than zoning from some music. I'll do my best to post the results daily. 

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