Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Overheards Part I

So the first few days of the IPod fast while walking to class was pretty quiet. I hardly heard any communication while on the bus or walking around campus so I wasn't too confident in keeping up with not listening to my music while walking but I persisted and today could be the first seed for a huge impact. I've been praying about wanting to do something big, anything at all and today an idea came up. I was walking back from Stats class with my friend Meredith and she asked about my student group Pancakes for Poverty. I proceeded to tell her more about it and that we are struggling considering we've only held one event. She began to talk about her student group and how they were looking to do a big service/charity event and that they had considered an eating contest. BINGO! The ideas were instantly flowing. I had a conversation with a friend of mine over a month ago about having a huge pancake eating contest with prizes for the winners and people sponsoring the eaters for how much they could eat and so I presented this idea to Meredith and she loved it. She is presenting it to her group tonight at their board meeting and we will see if we can figure something out from there! Just as I was thinking nothing was going to come of me not listening to my IPod in hopes of hearing people and most of all spending time with the Lord while walking, this opportunity presents itself. Pray for this event and keep your eyes open for opportunities the Lord will bless you with everyday!

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