Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It's been awhile

Wow! A whole month since I was on here last. I guess a quick update, I finished out my first year of college. I successfully moved out of the dorm, drove myself home, moved back into my house and now am enjoying one of the best jobs I have ever had, that is caddying at a local private club. The job is incredible. Again, it is another blessing I've been fortunate enough to have. I am able to be around extremely successful people and begin to network and share life with them, and I get paid for it. I leave for a Young Life camp in two weeks and I am so excited to get into some truly deep community and serve the Lord through service of the campers. Life has been full of seeing old friends and keeping in touch with new friends from college this summer. I'm reading this book, Love wins, by Rob Bell at the moment and he is covering the fate of every person in the world. Interesting stuff. I can give some more thoughts on it after I finish. If there is one thing that I've been able to see through this book is that God is hopeful for us, he is there for us, forever. Why can't we all be hopeful too? We need to hold that hope that everyone can change and come back into the life God has called them into. I was stumbling, yes using stumble upon, the website, and I came across this article,, it's about a man who lives across from a notorious cliff for suicide in Australia. I think this shows quite a bit of hope, as well as faith. This man believes he can help these people back away from that cliff, but more so, back away from whatever it is in their life that has brought them there. That is faith, that is hope. Where can we shed that light in our own lives? How does that even look? I don't know exactly what it may look like but I know that it has to come gently. Where can you shed some light and hope in people's lives around you? As Ferris Bueller says, "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop to look around once in awhile, you'll miss it." Don't miss that chance to shed some light and hope.

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