This semester or this past month or so has been such a blessing it has been incredible. I've definitely had the high's and low's just like anything but honestly this semester has been amazing. I don't really know where to begin other than a small update. This semester started out with me moving into an apartment with three of my best friends. A couple days later a girl walked into my life, after an amazing first re-introduction that involved me not remembering her at all from last year (yes even after a four hour car ride together), we started dating and Christ has blessed us so much it is incredible. I have also gone through one of the hardest semesters academically I've ever had while playing hockey and some other cool things have been accomplished but enough about me.
Recently, I've been thinking a lot about love and how many times love has either "failed" for people or what they thought was love was nothing close. I can't tell you how many conversations I've had lately where people just aren't feeling loved, aren't feeling worth it, aren't feeling valued. It has been incredibly hard to listen to over and over again. It makes me wonder what is wrong? What is causing all of this? I feel incredibly blessed to have people open up and tell me that but at the same time it makes you question why is it like that? My roommate and I have also had a lot of conversation about how people don't comment each other enough. We are so much quicker to call out someone on what their NOT doing then what they ARE doing. I understand there's a time and place for constructive criticism but I still feel like complements are a rare commodity.
I guess I just want everyone to hear that they are loved, they are worth it, they are valued, and I believe this is through Christ. Dwell in that! I don't know what that means for you but for me it means letting his word soak in. I have so much more that I want to say around this topic but honestly, this is one of the topics that I can't think of anything better to say than just that, you are loved. It's been on my heart lately and I don't know what else to say about it. I'll be praying!